Steam Rooms
It requires extensive experience and knowledge to design and manufacture the most suitable steam room, to choose a generator, to assemble all the necessary components in the right design.
Classic Steam Rooms
In steam baths, the temperature is much lower than in a traditional Finnish sauna, while humidity is much higher. Steam baths operate with a temperature of 40-50°C on the principle of 100% humidity.
The aromas, colour therapy and plants added to the Steam Sessions enrich the user’s experience.
Salty Steam Chambers
Salty steam chambers work with the classic steam chamber principle but brine Steam is injected into the steam chamber instead of the menthol aroma added to the Steam.
This is a Greek word for “halo”, also known as halo therapy.
Contact Us
The basis of our completion of SPA&WELLNESS projects with the highest quality and assurance since 1998 is the following of new trends in design, construction and technology, qualified team and proven experience according to the needs of each project.
Orhan Gazi Mahallesi 1725. Sokak No : 75 Mimsan Sanayi Sitesi Esenyurt/İSTANBUL
Mon-Fri: 08:00-18:00
Sat-Sun: 10:00-17:00
T : +90 212 672 06 04 pbx
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